Posted by  March 3rd, 2017 07:50 PM on Healthy Living.  
Top Three Ways to Cut Salt Out of Your Diet
A healthy diet requires some sacrifice. We all know to cut down on calories and fats, but salt is just as detrimental to your health, and it’s much more common. Salt is everywhere, even in diet options. It may take some forethought, but it is possible to cut out the ... 
Posted by  February 17th, 2017 12:46 PM on Uncategorized.  
Three Herbs You Can Grow in Your Kitchen
herbs If you want to start healthy snacking habits, you’re going to have to address the flavor dilemma. Unfortunately, the food industry has trained our taste buds to appreciate little besides salt and sugar. Even fat by itself isn’t enough to satisfy our cravings. Health food is notoriously bland, but ... 
Posted by  February 3rd, 2017 11:22 PM on Uncategorized.  
Five New Fruits You Should Add to Your Diet
fruits If you’re tired of eating nothing but apples and bananas with the occasional handful of berries, you should check out the international section of your produce store. There are a tremendous variety of untapped exotic fruits on the market. Many fill the holes our current fruit selection leaves behind. ... 
Posted by  January 20th, 2017 05:08 PM on Healthy Living.  
How to Make a Power Smoothie
smoothie Smoothies are a health food masquerading as a dessert. A power smoothie is all about getting the right ingredients together to fill the gaps in your regular diet. You can fit a lot of different food groups in a smoothie, and there are endless ways to make your smoothie ... 
Posted by  January 5th, 2017 11:48 AM on Uncategorized.  
Workout Tips to Start the New Year Right
workout tips New Year’s brings new resolutions, and riding at the top of nearly everyone’s list is a healthier lifestyle. The most effective way to get fit is to practice healthy eating and increase regular exercise habits. These two steps are inseparable. Each boosts the other, and it’s impossible to ... 
Posted by  December 23rd, 2016 04:22 AM on Uncategorized.  
Healthy Eating: Five Tips for a Healthy Holiday Dinner
healthy eating The holiday season is not the best time for healthy eating. It’s usually a key contribution to New Year’s weight loss resolutions. However, it doesn’t have to be. You can make a great, seasonal feast without completely destroying your diet. Good food helps you live a longer life, ... 
Posted by  December 13th, 2016 01:20 PM on Uncategorized.  
Healthy Protein for Snacking on the Go
Protein is a vital part of any diet, especially for those looking to lose weight by building muscle. Protein allows you to feel full while simultaneously offering a burst of energy. It’s also critical for creating new tissues, which is where weight loss and muscles come into play. Unfortunately, you ... 
Posted by  November 29th, 2016 10:42 AM on Workout.  
quick workout Sometimes, your schedule just doesn’t allow for a full workout. While there are many routines available for when you have a full half hour, plus showering time, to spare, sometimes you can only steal ten or fifteen minutes out of your busy day. However, this doesn’t mean that ... 
Posted by  November 15th, 2016 12:08 PM on Uncategorized.  
Healthy Oils for Cooking
Healthy oils for cooking Most likely, you know a little about healthy oils and their uses. You probably already use them in homemade dressings, use them to season salads, or even put them in dishes after they’ve cooked. The problem is, many healthy oils aren’t so healthy once they heat ... 
Posted by  November 1st, 2016 08:13 AM on Uncategorized.  
It is no secret that soda is not healthy. With the added sugar, corn syrup, artificial flavors and high calorie content, there is little about it that is worth drinking. While diet soda certainly has fewer calories, it is also chock-full of artificial sweeteners and unhealthy ingredients. Plus, the caffeine ...