
workout tips

New Year’s brings new resolutions, and riding at the top of nearly everyone’s list is a healthier lifestyle. The most effective way to get fit is to practice healthy eating and increase regular exercise habits. These two steps are inseparable. Each boosts the other, and it’s impossible to meet your ultimate fitness goals without pursuing both together. With that in mind, we’ve put together a few workout tips and healthy snacking suggestions to help you start the new year right.

Workout Tips

Starting a new exercise routine isn’t easy. If you sit at work, sit at home, and rarely need much movement in your daily life, the challenge becomes even harder. The good news is that anyone can start working out and keep to their habits with a few simple workout tips.

First, especially if you’re starting your new fitness routine cold turkey, pick something you’ll enjoy. This could mean walking, jogging, or running to your favorite music, or even using a treadmill while watching your favorite television show. Diversion is a great way to get through the tough start of a new routine, and incorporating fun into your workout is an easy way to get over the first few hurdles.

Make sure you stick to your new habit by adding a regular workout time to your planner. Consciously setting aside time for two or three months will help you turn your workout into a habit. It is possible to change up your workout schedule down the road. However, in the beginning, it helps to workout at the same time every day. Set a schedule and stick to it. Consider it a business appointment with your future self. No amount of workout tips can help you meet your goals if you don’t work toward them.

Healthy Snacking

When you choose food, whether you’re snacking or sitting down for a meal, be sure to consider more than just calories and fat content. Even though most prepackaged food is advertised as a weight loss aid, it often lacks essential nutrition. Without the proper nutrition, your body will sabotage your fitness goals, and your overall health will suffer. Healthy eating, on the other hand, contributes to the success of other goals, particularly fitness.

Healthy snacking is all about thinking ahead. Plan your snacks around your day. When do you need something on hand to prevent a trip to the office vending machine? Dry snacks, like nuts and dried fruit, store well in purses, backpacks, and desk drawers. They’re great for those who keep on the move and can’t always stop to get something out of the refrigerator. If you have access to a fridge, though, try keeping pre-sliced vegetables and healthy dips like hummus or peanut butter on hand. Healthy snacking like this gives you a blast of fiber, vitamins, and protein.

Healthy snacking supports a vigorous exercise habit and vice versa. Together, they can help you reach your goals faster and sustain your results. Healthy snacking and a few workout tips can take you a long way. Start the new year off with good food and good exercise.