quick workout

Sometimes, your schedule just doesn’t allow for a full workout. While there are many routines available for when you have a full half hour, plus showering time, to spare, sometimes you can only steal ten or fifteen minutes out of your busy day. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t workout at all. You can still enjoy a quick workout that requires little to no equipment; simply perform the following workouts anywhere, at any time, in nearly any place.


Walking is the ultimate low impact exercise. It’s safe for essentially any fitness level, requires no supervision, and promotes a number of key health benefits. Walking can reduce weight, build muscle tone, and improve heart health. Best of all, you don’t need any equipment. Since you can walk essentially anywhere, it’s the best spontaneous workout for everyone from business professionals to stay at home parents. It isn’t just a quick workout you can do anywhere, it’s a workout you can do any time. Despite its benefits, walking does not leave you as sweaty as many of our other options below. If you need to get rid of stress before and interview, take a walk. If you have fifteen minutes before you need to leave for a family dinner, take a walk around the neighborhood. It’s always a good time for a walk.


Like walking, planking requires no additional equipment. You use your own body weight to improve endurance and build muscles. Please don’t confuse this simple exercise with the competition that is taking over gyms. While the competitive form can be dangerous, the regular practice is great for busy workouts and gives serious results. All you need is an open space large enough to lie down in. Hold yourself on your toes and your forearms. To avoid damaging your wrists, keep your elbows on the ground at all times. In this position, lift your body until it forms a straight “plank,” and hold that position as long as possible. For best results, perform this endurance exercise regularly, gradually increasing the length of time you hold the position as your endurance grows.

Targeted Muscle Development

While you may not have time for a full workout on your busy days, you can still work on strengthening your weak points. Keep a small weight in your car, your kitchen, or even your office. During slow points, when you’re waiting for a call, arrive early to an event, or simply have to wait for the water to boil, you can use your weight to target weak areas in your arms and back. These mini, upper body workouts boost the effects of full workouts. Moreover, they train your body to build muscle mass quicker as your arms become accustomed to lifting the greater weight more regularly.

Whether you’re looking to improve your heart health, strengthen your core, or tone your upper body, one or more of these workout tips can help you meet your goals. Although it’s still important to work longer workouts into your schedule two or three times a week, a quick workout once a day can help you maintain and build on your progress. These workout tips ensure you always have time to get fit.